Honey for Wound Healing
New Zealand honey has been used for its wound healing properties on wounds and burns for centuries. However New Zealand Manuka honey has high levels of MGO which ensure that the honey has long lasting antibacterial properties. As such the Methylglyoxal creates a sterile environment, while the osmotic form of honey helps create moist healing conditions that helps the healing process.
Manuka Honey (that is Medical-grade honey) is used in some hospitals in NZ and UK for this reason. Wound bandages impregnated with Manuka Honey are also approved for use in the USA by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Raw Manuka honey may help supports the natural digestive microbiome and helps alleviate issues such as low stomach acid and bacterial overgrowth.
Manuka Honey has inulin in it - which is prebiotic soluble fibre which promotes the growth of beneficial gut flora. Many Manuka consumers use a high grade raw Manuka Honey such as an MGO 850 for this

Promising new research has demonstrated that Manuka Honey appears to stimulate the body's production of Cytokines, special proteins which are released by the body to help manage inflammation.
Manuka also has antioxidant properties which can help with oxidative stress

Cough and Sore throat
Honey has been recommended as a soothing remedy for a cough or sore throat in young children by the World Health Organisation.
It's great alternative to cough syrups - which some can contain up to 40% alcohol and can cause diarrhoea

Skin Conditions
Its anti-inflammatory properties make Manuka Honey ideal for treating acne, eczema, and dermatitis. It oxygenates pores, reducing bacterial growth and improving skin complexion.